

To partner with educational institutions, churches, and service agencies to promote Christian social transformation in ways that empower the most vulnerable members of societies to address the systemic causes of poverty, abuse, and environmental destruction which will reflect God’s desire for SHALOM (salvation, health, peace, justice and wholeness) for all.



Our vision is to provide holistic mission education to theological students, church and community leaders through a variety of teaching opportunities at partner institutions.



  • Through advocacy, awareness-raising and peaceful direct action, we will seek justice for victims of systemic violence and oppression, seeking to positively impact both individuals and social structures for the common good in ways that follow the biblical vision of the peaceable Reign of God.
  • We will work with already existing institutions (schools, churches, community organizations) to provide sponsorship for children in wholistic child development programs in marginalized and impoverished communities.
  • Through wholistic empowerment and the use of micro-loan business assistance, we will work with women’s groups and local organizations to promote sustainable ecological practices which will benefit women, their families, and the various ecosystems on which they are dependent.